Play begins when the timer is up ended. The describers take a card from the front of the pack and describe the entry corresponding to the segment on which the team’s playing piece sits. As the start position is on the OBJECT segment each team starts with this category.
When a team member shouts out the correct answer the describers quickly take another card and repeat the process, using the SAME category.
When the timer runs out, the turn is finished. The describers count the number of cards that were correctly guessed and move their playing piece forward that many segments. Play passes on to the next team UNLESS you land on a CONTROL or SPIN segment (see below for details).
Describers must be careful not to break any of the description rules (see below). If they break one of these rules they forfeit the turn.
If a playing piece piece lands on a segment which extends into the centre of the board (ORANGE or RED), the team spins the spinner to win bonus places.
If the spinner stops on:
- WIDE GREEN SEGMENT you can move your playing piece forward TWO segments, or an opponent’s piece BACK two segments.
- NARROW GREEN SEGMENT you can move your playing piece forward THREE segments or an opponent’s piece back THREE.
If the spinner points to an orange or green segment no bonus is won, however if there is any doubt at all because the arrow points to a line, spin again.
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