Age 10+
2-8 players
15 minutes

A card game where you work together to put absurd things in the right order.

Between our weird prompts and your friends weirder answers, this might be our funniest game yet!

First, read out a simple question (ex. Im locked in a tiny room. What else is locked in here with me from cutest to scariest). Then everyone is assigned a secret number from one to ten. Next, each player gives an answer to the question, and the intensity of that answer is based on their secret number (ex. 1= a bunny, 10= a grizzly bear with chainsaw arms.) Finally, the person who read the question has to try and sort those answers into the correct order. If they get it right everyone wins!

This is a collaboration with Cocktail Games based on their Spiel de Jahres Game of the Year nominated title, Top Ten.


That Escalated Quickly comes with:

  • 10 Number Cards
  • 150 Question Cards
  • 1 Play mat

Plus, one instruction manual that you will probably skim.


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